Friday, December 26, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
My driving shift is over.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
DH got me a "Christmas Gift"
He doesn't read this, but I LOVE YOU BABE.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
OMG! I won.
Originally uploaded by everydaylou
How they grow!

While dressing E3 to go to the store today I noticed that her clothes fit rather snug. She is/was in 6-9 month clothing. I'm not too worried since I know I have a lot of E2's clothes packed away that will fit her just right. Problem is that they are in Texas. I picked up some sweat pants and sweaters for her to wear in the interim. SIZE 12 MONTHS. She's becoming quite the chunky monkey...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Trip down memory lane... via MUSIC VIDEOS
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Scrapbooking How To
LOTS of snow up on the mountains. I'm hoping to get a few pictures of it. I think I may run to the store and get baking supplies so that I can send the teachers treats before winter break. I'm not fond of ONE of the teachers, but alas I have to be kind all around.
I'll be sure to bundle up and take the camera with me to take a few pictures on the way. :)
Maybe I should stop by Emily's school and drop off a sweater for her. We'll see how generous I feel.
Monday, December 08, 2008
Same ole'... same ole'...
It was pretty stinking cold this morning, raining even. After the clouds cleared up I saw that there was a fresh crop of snow up on the mountains. I wonder if we'll get snow down here this year.
I was able to speak to both kids' teachers. Both are improving, but especially Jr. Last benchmark test he did not pass the benchmark and this time he did. It was only by 3 words but I'm pretty proud of him. Tomorrow they have the writing benchmark and I hope they do well. They'll be testing all of this week in one way or another, so I really hope they are able to perform well.
I am working on a hobby horse (stick horse) for Emily's "play." She'll be singing I Wish I Has a Pony for Christmas on the 16th and is supposed to wear overalls, a cowboy hat and don a stick horse. I am sewing it entirely by hand. I miss my sewing machine. DH says it has the ears of a rabbit and the snout of an anteater. I wanted to smack him. I'm sure Emily will get a kick out of it, and if anything it'll be unique. Unique = UGLY. LOL
The kids are officially employed now. YEP, DH hired them to do jobs around the house. Emily's title is "Laundry Assistant" and Junior's "Refuse Engineer" - they take out the trash and go dump the dirty clothes in the hamper that's in the laundry room. Hey, one less thing for me to do. We'll see how long it lasts. I think I'm gonna ask for a raise, seeing as how they are making money from the most mundane task.
Well, I was able to get the kiddo down early, so I'm gonna hit the sack too. I hope tomorrow is much warmer than today was. Peace out.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Teaching bad habits early....
Teaching her bad habits. from Peace in the Storm on Vimeo.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
ACK! Cactus thorns!
I think I'm covered in them? Think?
I was using DH's pickup truck today and I totally forgot that he recently used it to go dump a bunch of old branches and cacti that I made him dig up from our "desert landscape." I KNOW for a fact he didn't wash it down afterward and I feel all prickly and stuff. HOW IN THE HELL DO I GET RID OF THEM??! I can't see them - or else they'd be gone by now. I can only feel the damn prickly stuff. Help.
You'd think that as a Mexican, I'd know the remedy for it. What a poser I am.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
And what horrific week wouldn't be complete without...
cue screaming and pulling out hair.
Washing mouth out with soap....
Who's the culprit? Emily. I overheard her last night asking Junior if he knew what bee with an itch was/meant. I don't want her EVER using the word again, so I did the soap stint. It was only to send the message home that those are DIRTY words and when you use them they get your MOUTH DIRTY and therefore I have to wash out her mouth with soap. I think she got it. And so did the other kids. I would honestly be surprised to know that she uses a word like that again.
I did ask her who she heard it from and she fessed up. This morning I called her teacher and told her about it so she can addressed the use of those words and notify the child's parents in the event that they would like to nip this in the bud. I feel like such an AWFUL parent when I'm the one that has to discipline. Let's hope I can get used to this part of my job.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Back when we were in Texas he was doing GREAT academically. He was ahead of most kids in his class (just like Emily is now) and had straight A's for almost every subject. This year has been a COMPLETE MESS. The kid is so damn stubborn and uncommunicative that I just don't know what to do with him. I TRY to help him with his homework and instead he gets all pissy with me takes his papers and says he'll do it on his own. When he re-emerges from his room I ask to see his homework and it's WRONG. You can tell that he doesn't even TRY to do the work, he just scribbles down WHATEVER so he can get it over with. Once I tell him to review his work and try again he throws these huge hissy fits with screaming, kicking walls and throwing things around. I have concluded that the damn kids wants me to GIVE him the answers, something I REFUSE to do. I have told him time and time again that I will help him find the answer but that I wont give it to him. EVERY SINGLE TIME it's the same bullshit until I've had enough and I have to get mean with him. I HATE that he puts me in such a situation. I try to talk to him in a calm tone about how he needs to TRY and how he needs to ask for help if he's stuck and he just grunts back and refuses to engage in any sort of conversation. I've asked him to use WORDS to communicate with us instead of kicking/hitting the walls and it goes in one ear and out the other. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. I'm sure it has plenty to do with him pushing his limits, but I'm getting tired of this power struggle.
BEDTIME -- BBL w/ more.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Taxes! Ugh.
Am I the ONLY crazy person that keeps EVERY SINGLE RECEIPT. I hope not.
"I want to sit down you!"
Thursday, November 27, 2008
FOUR PIES and ONE potato salad down...
The pies look and smell sooo good. Let's hope everyone enjoys them.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
It all goes downhill from here...
Today I start preparations for Thanksgiving Dinner. YAY. Not. Lots of baked goodies. Gotta start on the turkey brine, the pies, the bread and boil some potatoes for potato salad and mashed potatoes. Doing potatoes two ways. I'm also making rice two ways: wild rice and Spanish fried rice. Other side dishes will be green bean casserole and whatever else I can come up with.
I just noticed that my titles are such DOWNERS. I gotta make with the happy. Next post will be NOTHING BUT GOOD NEWS. I promise. Well... maybe not, but I'll try.
Well, I gotta get to cleaning the place cause the kids have early release today and will be home REAL SOON to trash the place. Maybe I'll take a picture to prove to DH that I did clean the damn house and that I don't just sit around and nap all day. Not that I do that... forget I said that.
WELL GOTTA GO MAKE TURKEY BRINE and print out the recipes for everything I'll be making. I'll be back with pictures! Yay pictures.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I'm gonna lose my mind.
le sigh.
SNAP - This is pretty accurate. Especially the part about parenting.
Your result for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz...
You Are a Grace!
You are a Grace -- "I need to understand the world."
Graces have a need for knowledge and are introverted, curious, analytical, and insightful.
How to Get Along with Me
- * Be independent, not clingy
- * Speak in a straightforward and brief manner
- * I need time alone to process my feelings and thoughts
- * Remember that If I seem aloof, distant, or arrogant, it may be that I am feeling uncomfortable
- * Make me feel welcome, but not too intensely, or I might doubt your sincerity
- * If I become irritated when I have to repeat things, it may be because it was such an effort to get my thoughts out in the first place
- * don't come on like a bulldozer
- * Help me to avoid my pet peeves: big parties, other people's loud music, overdone emotions, and intrusions on my privacy
What I Like About Being a Grace
* standing back and viewing life objectively
* coming to a thorough understanding; perceiving causes and effects
* my sense of integrity: doing what I think is right and not being influenced by social pressure
* not being caught up in material possessions and status
* being calm in a crisis
What's Hard About Being a Grace
- * being slow to put my knowledge and insights out in the world
- * feeling bad when I act defensive or like a know-it-all
- * being pressured to be with people when I don't want to be
- * watching others with better social skills, but less intelligence or technical skill, do better professionally
Graces as Children Often
- * spend a lot of time alone reading, making collections, and so on
- * have a few special friends rather than many
- * are very bright and curious and do well in school
- * have independent minds and often question their parents and teachers
- * watch events from a detached point of view, gathering information
- * assume a poker face in order not to look afraid
- * are sensitive; avoid interpersonal conflict
- * feel intruded upon and controlled and/or ignored and neglected
Graces as Parents
- * are often kind, perceptive, and devoted
- * are sometimes authoritarian and demanding
- * may expect more intellectual achievement than is developmentally appropriate
- * may be intolerant of their children expressing strong emotions
Take Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz at HelloQuizzy
Monday, November 17, 2008
60 more people...
I'll be working on making bows all this week in hopes of making a bit of extra cash that I can put towards necessities. I'm thinking this Christmas might be close to non-existent. The Lord will provide. Have peace in the storm... peace in the storm.
Monday, November 10, 2008
My dishwasher is driving me up a freaking wall. Last month I had a coupon for a gel dishwasher detergent that is supposed to be ECO friendly. My dishes are absolutely horrific. They come out streaked and with this WHITE GUNK on them that is driving me batty. I can't stand my dishes looking like that so I've had to wash them by hand AFTER the fact that I washed them in the dishwasher. This is the MAIN reason I don't use gel detergent. I EFFING HATE IT.
I'm so cheap though that I don't want to buy a new box of powder detergent until I finish the stupid bottle but the hell with that. As soon as I can get to the store I'm buying my regular detergent and sticking with it.
You know what truly amazes me?
So the dude wasn't who you would have picked for President, is it really THAT BAD?What would have happened if McCain would have won? Would we take the CAIN in his name and say "LOOK HE'S A DESCENDANT OF CAIN! HE'LL BRING DEATH TO OUR COUNTRY?" (Just an example of the stupid logic that is going around.)
I just don't get it. I've read opinions of people that voted for BOTH parties and everyone seems to have logical reasons for wanting to vote for their candidate -- but the anti-christ comments and the end-of-the-world promises just seem so wrong to me and afar from logical.
I realize Obama is NOT perfect, but I (along with the majority of the country) considered him the most qualified candidate for the job and that's why he was elected. Can we agree that circumstances are dire and we need to work together as a whole to better the country? Or are people going to refuse to cooperate under the pretext that "He's not MY president."
I'm just really bummed about this... that's all.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
It's NOON, do you know where you're kids are?
Most of the kids have colds, including Baby E. Bummer. This has resulted is loss of sleep and very achy back holding the baby JUST SO to allow her to sleep. Poor baby. Emma just came over with my pedicure bag -- ugh. The kid has been raiding my make-up like no one's business. She dumped a whole TUBE of Merle Norman foundation. I haven't told DH yet, he'd have a cow. Speaking of DH, I think he fell asleep. The kids are trying to play pranks on him -- serves him right. He should know better than to fall asleep while on kid watch -- you can't trust those kids.
This weekend has been lazy lazy lazy. DH is having a hard time with all the uncertainties of the economy. I know he fears for his job and worries about what would happen if he did become unemployed. It puts him in such a sour mood -- I have to watch everything I say cause he has just been so touchy on everything. I really hope everything starts to look up soon. I can't stand to see him so worried all the time. I worry too, but I have faith that we'll be okay. Although his mood can be contagious and I need to watch myself. Well, the baby is asking for attention. She has had a lousy day - what with waking up from her nap and all that. I hope the rest of the day goes smoothly. Payday is but a week away, and then we can breathe a little easier and not worry so much.
Dear God, if you can read this -- be with me. Give me strength. Give me patience. Give me love and endurance. Hold my hand through it all... please.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
While standing in line to pay for my items at Wal-Mart a kind man made small talk with me. He was there with another man, and to tell you the truth my gaydar was going off. Anyway, I asked if he had voted yet and he responded that he WASN'T going to vote. *GASP* When I asked why, he said that McCain was still going to win in this state, so it really didn't matter. Appalled, I said, "By not voting you are actually helping that happen." To which he responded, "We were going to vote for him anyway."
Oh. Nevermind then... as you were.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Do any of your kids do this?
Please tell me my kids are not the only ones to do this. It ticks me off to no end.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
It is a wonder I turned out a decent person....
IN A SENTENCE: My cousin, Emmanuel Sanchez (former deputy sheriff) smuggled cash between the Valley and Atlanta for a multi-state criminal organization working with Mexico's Gulf Cartel.
His brother Jose Armando Sanchez is currently serving time in jail for trying to sell drugs to an undercover cop. He was a detention officer in the County Prison.
REAL NICE. I am so freaking proud. I can't even believe I'm admitting that I am related to them, but what the hell am I to do.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Family Issues: WWYD
I have an older brother.
He's 28 yrs old.
He's been married once before.
Has a little girl.
Recently divorced.
While married cheated on his wife a number of times.
While divorced cheated on his girlfriends plenty of times.
In my eyes, he's lower than scum.
*We've never really gotten along and all the crap he pulls makes me dislike him more. He's also mom's FAVORITE son/child, so bonus points for him.
He is supposedly "dating" a girl. Said girl is 18 YEARS OLD. He swears he wants to get married. He lied to this girl and told her he's never been married before. He said his daughter was born outside of marriage. When he's at home with my brothers he brags about how he can nail her if he so wishes.
I think it's a HUGE INJUSTICE to allow this girl to marry him without first telling her the truth about his previous marriage and what a piece of shit he is.
Mom has meddled in everybody's freaking business before (in regards to relationships) when the person wasn't to her liking but is going through with this major bullshit. She claims to want to stay out of it, since it's not her place. I'm calling bullshit on it all. DH says I shouldn't participate in the wedding at all, since it'd be hypocritical of me to do so. I am trying to fight off the urge to call this girl and tell her what she's getting into....
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I'm starting to get scared....
Does anyone have any reassuring words?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Full day tomorrow...
I iwsh I could catch a few Z's
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Emily and school - Part III
First we discussed her benchmark tests. First the MATH: Example of problems asked where addition, subtraction, counting money, count by twos, count by ones backwards, telling time, and drawing the hour and minute hand on the clock telling a specific time. This last question, she mixed up the hour and minute hand's length - but was still able to point them in the right direction. Overall she got ONE question wrong (the one mentioned). Her teacher said that even with just one wrong, she exceeds what they ask of students at this point. I was nervous with math, only because I don't work with this subject too much at home - but was glad to find out that she is grasping all the concepts just fine.
Next the reading. Ya'll, it ridiculous how many words this kid knows and at what level she's reading. For example, at this point they ask that students read at least 14 words per minute. At the end of the school year they should be able to read 45 words per minute. She reads 61 words per minute. SHE DID GREAT in this test as well. (The rest of the scores escape me at the moment.) She also exceeded expectations for this test.
Emily is doing great socially as well. She has made new friends in her first grade class and has maintained friendship in kindergarten. Her first grade teacher lets her go back to Kinder to say "hi" to her teacher and friends, which I think is so sweet. She's pretty popular with both classes and it seems that everywhere we go in town everyone knows her. LOL Both teachers attest to what a joy she is to teach and say she is a bright little girl. I'm sooo happy for her and sooo proud of her.
We all agreed at the end of the meeting that she will stay in 1st grade permanently since we all feel she's doing well.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Update on Emily and school...
We spoke at length about her reading, math and maturity level and they all seem to feel she would excel in first grade just like she does now in kinder. We talked and talked about everything and it was agreed that she would be placed in 1st grade for a trial period of 4 weeks. At that point we'd meet again to reassess her needs and how well she's doing and go from there.
She is supposed to start on Monday, so wish us luck with it all. Let's hope everything goes smoothly.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Forgot to tell ya'll...
Two weeks ago, Emily was placed in a first grade class for reading and grammar during the morning. After that she returns to kindergarten for the rest of the day. Both teachers feel that she is able to read more words that she actually understands, so they were going to see how the curriculum meets her needs and go from there.
This is the second week she's being going to 1st grade and she seems to be fine with it all. She is so big (physically) that she fits right in with the 1st graders. By the end of the week I'll have to talk to both teachers and see how she's doing and if any adjustments need to be made to her "Education Plan."
Just wanted to let ya'll know...
Thursday, September 04, 2008
¤ Sigh of relief... ¤
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
On the road again...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
A few words to the wise...
That's all.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
ACK! I'm going BALD!!
Any other tips? The only thing I've been doing different is drinking green and white tea for the past few weeks now. Everything else is very much the same. I really hope it's just a so-called phase and I get my hair back. boo-hoo.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
First Day of School!
I can't believe the kids are at school as I type this. It's kinda nice and quiet here, with only Emma and the baby. The kids have been terribly excited all week long about going to school. Yesterday we had Open House and they got to meet their teachers, find their desks and just get to know the classroom all around.
Today I woke them up bright and early and although Emily was still excited Jr was a bit apprehensive. Once we got to the school they loosened up a bit.

First we went to Emily's classroom. Since they will be riding the bus, and Emily is new to all this Junior has instructions to drop off Emily at her classroom/playground before he himself can meet up his friends on the playground at the opposite side of the school. The boy is gonna learn to care for his sisters whether he likes it or not.

Finally Emily's classroom was open and she went in, made a lunch choice and sat down at one of the activity tables.

I made sure to remind the teacher that I'll be picking her up today and she'll be riding the bus tomorrow. I am so damn nervous about them riding the bus. *SIGH*
After dropping Emily off we headed to Junior's classroom. The kid HATES CHANGE, but it wasn't so bad. Thankfully his BFF is in the same classroom and he knows other kids as well. I think he'll be okay.

And I came back home. Where it's nice and quiet -- not really, but it's QUIETER.
Did I tell you that I'm going to attempt potty training with Emma now that I'll have more free time. OY. That's another post for a later day.
Can't wait to go pick up the kids to see how their day went.
Friday, August 01, 2008
My son...
The kid is a smart and caring person. He really is. But at the same time he can be so stubborn and selfish and wont listen to logic. He's also very INTENSE and will throw himself wholly at something. For example: He's uber-ready for school. He's VERY resistant to any sort of change. He'll fight it all the way. I'm trying to hype them up for it and yesterday we all went to pick out backpacks for both. We also picked a few clothing items. Today he woke up super early (6:30 am) and brushed his teeth and set his clothes out for school. School doesn't start until WEDNESDAY. I tell him to put away his clothes since school doesn't start until NEXT WEEK but he gets all pissy with me and just locks himself in the room. I just can't WIN with this kid. I try to be gentle in the way I talk to him, but it seems that he mistakes my kindness for weakness. I don't know what else to do with him.
Dh threatens that my "time" with him is almost up. By this he means that all the babying and spoiling will come to a screeching halt and he will be disciplined with a hard hand. Ay Dios mio... help a girl out.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Later today I am taking the kids to get haircuts and probably stop by Wal-Mart to pick up a backpack for each and a handful of school supplies. I hope I can stretch my money to get all those things accomplished. I'm thinking Emma needs a little trim too, but we will have to wait and see if there is time and money. This weekend promises to be INTERESTING to say the least. I have to work within a budget for school clothes and shoes.
If you ask me I could use a haircut, new clothes and shoes as well. LOL Oh well, my time will come. Later, gator! I gotta go put the belt thingie on Kirby and start a-vacuuming.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sometimes I need a PICK-ME-UPPER...
Anyway, here are some super funny LOLZ CATS pictures for your amusement.

Hope this puts a little bounce in your step!
Monday, July 28, 2008
I guess with the whole house thing we kinda got sidetracked. Now we've scheduled a shopping trip for this upcoming weekend to make sure the kids have school clothes and NEW SHOES (Trust me, they need them) for this upcoming school year. I have been trying to sell off the kids fall/winter clothes from last year and it's going pretty well. I gotta take pics of Emily's clothes and some of Emma's and off they go to make other kids happy. Originally I was gonna keep Emma's clothes but after much deliberation I really don't think they'll fit Baby E this winter season. Besides, I could really use the $ now.
Today I have to go finish cleaning the apartment so that we can turn it in on the 30th. Yesterday we managed to get the kitchen clean and most of the walls scrubbed, today I just gotta go and finish the bathroom and living room. Hopefully we'll get some of our deposit back. Especially considering how NASTY the place was to begin with. I had to use a KNIFE to chip off some of the nasty gunk built up on the sinks/faucets and oven. Yeah... that was nice. I'll do an overall sweep and mop as well as vacuum the place and spray it with tons of air freshener to get rid of that nasty OLD smell. Aside from that I gotta clean this place up, take a shower and well - just be functional and effective in one way or another. Baby E is squealing now, time to take her out of her swing and start my chores for the day. TTFN.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Funny stuff...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Cuteness Overload!

AND ACTION.... (that was me pretending to be a director... ignore this... moving on.)
Adorable Evelyn from Peace in the Storm on Vimeo.
Pictures of Emily...
Saturday, July 19, 2008
So sad...
Friday, July 18, 2008
And life goes on....
I still feel pretty pissy about having to rent out my house period. People have a hard time understanding why. I'll try my best to explain my feelings. See, when we first got married we had NOTHING to our name. Well, that's not entirely true. We had the Jeep. But other than that we had NOTHING. When we arrived at the apartment we had no furniture. In fact we slept on the floor for about a week or two - can't remember. We eventually bought furniture and led a happy life - until DH left the Corps. We had been saving for a while for when he got out, but being so young we really didn't have any direction. And then to top it all off, DH let a friend borrow the jeep and he crashed. To repair the ONLY vehicle we had, cost us most of our savings, so we were back to square one.
We needed a place to live, and we didn't have enough money in our account to rent an apartment, not to mention DH still hadn't found a job. We went to live in a beat-up and nasty mobile home that his brother owned but was vacant. Instead of rent, we fixed the place up to it's present state. We put in kitchen cabinets, carpet, peel-n-stick tile, painted and then installed a new bathroom (that they provided). We put a lot of sweat equity into it, and although it wasn't my ideal home - we made do. Both DH and I applied to the Sheriff's Department to become corrections officers, after going through most of the process, DH was turned down because of a DUI and I was hired. Soon after we found out that I was pregnant again and this prompted DH to join the ARMY.
We moved and moved and moved some more, the whole time I wanted my own place to call home. Determined NOT to make the same mistake we did when DH left the Corps we bought some land and built a home about a year before his ETS date. The home was finished in time for us to live in it. The Valley proved to be a hard place to find a promising career. DH left to Arizona in search for a temporary job, our goal was for him to join the Border Patrol and get stationed back home. The temporary job turned out to be a promising career and something that DH excelled at. He was enjoying himself immensely and climbing the ladder with amazing speed. When the Border Patrol came knocking, DH turned them down and came down to Texas to pick us up. We made the move to Arizona. The house we had worked so hard for, stayed behind.
Now, over a year after DH arrived here in Arizona, we have purchased a home and have decided this small little town is a good place to raise our kids. The house back in Texas though symbolizes so much to me. It's the house I waited for 8 years to come true. It's the house I imagined. It's the house that personifies our achievements, our perseverance. It's my HOUSE, my sacrifice, my hard work, my dreams and hopes. MINE.
To me it seems unfair that I allow someone to go live in it after I worked so hard for it. Why should they get to enjoy my hard work and sacrifice. Why should they get to live with all the amenities I picked for myself. Why? It's just not fair. I admit I'm acting like a child. But, I DON'T CARE. I do love my house, and I do care about what my husband has to say. Now that we've purchased a new house - I guess having some sort of incoming money would help. *sigh* I guess I'll just have to grow up and accept things for what they are.
Give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed,
courage to change the things that should be changed,
and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Apparentely I spoke too soon....
Well, that's as much time as I have! CIAO!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Junior!
After 7 years, you still haven't outgrown your attitude. I don't even know how I had MORE kids after you. I am happy to have such a strong-willed son and happy that you are the one clearing the path for your sisters. Thanks for being such a BOY.
The Lady With No Hair
('cause you've made me pull it all out)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Emily!
After days like yesterday, I'm happy I've managed to keep you alive 5 years. YOU should be happy I haven't donated you to a charity of some sort. Or driven off and left you behind... not that I've ever thought of it.
Happy Birthday Sweetie.
The Crazy Woman You Call "MOM"
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
The terrible, no good, very bad day -- PART II
Part ONE is here
So after NOT spanking the kids (notice how I do a lot of this LOL) and fixing the window I headed back to the Home Depot sans kids (except for the baby, she is like permanently attached to me). I was smart enough to check out prices and compare appliances online before going there. I also wrote down the model number, prices and all the rebates I qualified for. (I'm still cheap.) DH even gave me FREE RANGE and told me to pick WHATEVER I WANTED. This day was FINALLY turning around! I went through the whole HOUR LONG process of picking everything I want, plus warranty extensions, plus parts only to head to the register and encounter a LITTLE surprise.
Lemme just say I like surprises... surprises are usually good. Like when I was pregnant with Evelyn - that was a surprise. Well it was more like a small heart attack, but it qualifies as a surprise. I wasn't thrilled, but now I'm happy (and certifiably insane). I like it when DH surprises me with roses, and chocolate. Especially chocolate. So see... I like surprises. This surprise however... was NOT NICE and I still don't like it.
Anyway, back to the register and the surprise you're gonna pretend to be surprised by. So I walk to the register, so happy that I got to pick the appliances I wanted, that I qualified for several rebates, that I got 10% off and that I don't have to make payments or pay interest for 12 MONTHS and hand my order over. I swipe the card and (here it comes) ... SURPRISE! It's declined. DECLINE. I scoff. I blink furiously and say in my most snobbish voice, "What?! I have a *x* thousand dollar limit, and this isn't even close. Try it again." The cashier swipes it again. STILL DECLINED. "WHY?!" I demand to know. She gets on the phone and calls the
I, of course, immediately get on the phone with these sons of ... er, with the Home Depot representatives and ask what's going on. By that time, it didn't even matter. I get the low down and head back home. DH and I compare notes, we've both had bad days. But wait! There's more. In true Castillo fashion, Emily had a pee-pee accident during her nap. Yay - more laundry. And, Emma spilled her glass of lemonade during dinner. That was the cherry on top.
AMAZINGLY, no one was hurt or died today. Not even me. I didn't cut my wrists with the shards of glass when I had the chance. I didn't run into traffic, or run away and all kids are accounted for. They're even sleeping soundly, dreaming of being grounded the rest of their lives. Tomorrow is Emily's birthday. Poor kid, I'll probably lift the punishment for tomorrow - but after that... who am I kidding? It'll start all over again, so I might as well get some shut-eye and prepare myself for it.
If you read all of this, GOD BLESS YOU. Please think of me when your life is running smoothly and perfectly... and when it goes to hell too.
The terrible, no good, very bad day -- PART I
I have to admit it didn't start off so bad. I was anxiously awaiting confirmation of an "anniversary luncheon" that would take place today. DH's company was "celebrating" a year of working at this job site. A WHOLE YEAR! They decided they would invite the spouses/family as well. YAY. Free lunch for me + no cooking! Couldn't ask for anything more.
I bathed EVERY SINGLE KID. In a timely fashion, might I add. Did pigtails for Emma, side-swept ponytail on Emily and even put a little clip on Evelyn. And as for me, I even put on MAKE-UP! Imagine that! It was going pretty stinking well, if I do say so myself. I even called DH to make sure what time to be there and I was there EARLY. If you know me, you know I'm late. I'm sure I'll be late to my own funeral, btw. Anyway things were going PEACHY. I enjoyed a good meal, the kids ate some food and then it all went a little bit south.
After the luncheon, DH asked me to take the van in to get a tire repaired. The left rear tire has been low for about a week now, despite our attempts to fill it up with MORE air. I humored him and took it to the same place his boss takes his vehicles. The place was full and it meant I had to wait 30+ minutes for a simple patch job. I had to unload all four kids (a sleeping baby amongst them) and deal with them in the waiting area. Thankfully I had
After that I was asked to go to Home Depot to take a look at appliances for our *NEW* house. We only need a Fridge, but we're getting a washer and dryer as well. OH MY GAWD. Why do I even put myself in those predicaments?! The kids were HORRIBLE. The only quiet one was the baby, and then after a while she joined the chorus because she was sleepy and therefore cranky. I tried to get the attention of some of the sales associates but they were either busy or on their lunch break of worked in a completely different department. I even told one of the managers, "I was planning on buying some appliances, but if you don't want to help me I'll gladly go spend my money somewhere else." Of course, that was all he needed to give me his undivided attention, something I couldn't reciprocate since all FOUR kids where hollering for mine. I got SOME tidbit of useful information and was forced to leave because DH needed bank information...
He needed bank information because unbeknownst to him, we were suppose to sign all the paperwork tomorrow - i.e. CLOSE ON THE HOUSE. Yeah, he didn't know. I happen to have found out and relayed the message because I called the seller/Realtor and she was excited (as was I) about closing. I can't WAIT to get into my own house -- but anyway, there are too many things that STILL have to happen for us to sign the papers - like making a WIRE TRANSFER. A wire transfer that I cannot do, because even though I manage all the finances and have access to innumerable accounts I am NOT on DH's account. Go figure. This meant DH had to get on the phone and make a few calls and well - that in itself is comparable to Moses parting the Red Sea... seriously. Anyway, he was finally able to figure it out, and we'll be closing on FRIDAY, not Thursday.
During the time that I was relaying all the necessary information to DH (like the routing #, account #, escrow reference # and so on) the kids managed to do a few... er, what's the world I'm looking for? Mischievous acts... that's what I'm looking for. Anyway, Emma DUMPED all of the BABY POWDER on the carpets. The carpets I shampooed not a week ago. The carpets I slaved over and brushed while on my hands and knees. The carpets that left me with sore legs, arms, hands and feet. Yeah, ...those carpets. And then, my loving daughter proceeded to spill a cup of water on the already spilled powder making it a nice paste which she grounded in by stomping on it. YEP. She did this. My loving daughter. Mine. I sighed... I counted to ten, and then I did NOT spank her and moved on. The baby was STILL cranky from not being able to sleep, so I went into the bedroom, closed the door behind me and took a few minutes to calm her down, soothe her and get her to close her pretty little eyes. The kids went into the living room, after being instructed to go to their room and STAY THERE. They turned on the T.V. that was OFF for a reason and jumped around the couches like MONKEYS. After I managed to get the baby to sleep I walked into the living room. And then the next few seconds are a BLUR.
I'm not sure if Emily was startled to see me, if she was jumping on the couch or WHAT THE HELL she was doing, but one thing is clear. On her way OFF the couch, she managed to shatter the window. Break it. Crack it. Ruin it. Splinter... whatever the hell word you feel like choosing... that's what happened to the window. PEOPLE, I am not lying when I tell you that I almost had a freakin' nervous break down. I try to be as patient with my kids as I can, but I can only take so much. ANYWAY, the kid was so troubled by what she had done that she immediately burst into tears. She cried and cried and cried some more and then cried herself to sleep. (Thinking about it, it's a miracle *I* didn't cry.) I called DH to tell him about it and then called the glass repairs places in town. One lady was so kind as to offer that one of the employees come remove the pane for me and the window frame thingie free of charge (just so the kids wouldn't kill themselves on the shards of glass). Thirty-eight dollars and a half hour later the window was good as new.
Please let this be a nightmare...
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Day 2
This morning was spent doing laundry and semi-packing. We ate left over chicken from yesterday (BBQ chicken, Steak, and potatoes). I washed EVERYTHING, and I also put almost everything away. I took like a 10 minute nap. YAY for naps. I was woken by the ringing of the phone. It was my little sister. And then my little brother calls to ask for antivirus. He's a total dork. Doesn't know the ALT from the CTRL key. Seriously.... anyway... still early enough to be able to do stuff. TTFN
Friday, July 04, 2008
Day 1 (of three-day weekend)
Baby woke up ttyl!
Thursday, July 03, 2008
House Affairs...
Later, around 3ish I forgot that I had to go drop off some paperwork at the realty office. So I call the realtor and let her know I'll be there in 30 minutes. I show up exactly 30 minutes later, and she isn't there. I just dropped off the paperwork with another realtor and came back home. Not even 30 seconds into me unloading the kids the phone rings. It's DH - he needs me to go back to the exact same location and drop money off at the title agency. ARGH. So I have to load up the kids all over again and drive back to the exact same place. I get there and have to wait to see the escrow agent. ARGH again. One of the employees suggested I give her the money and that she would give me a PAPER stating that I had given her money. Not an official receipt, or any receipt for that matter... merely a paper. I wonder how stupid I look. lol I turned her offer down and proceeded to wait. Handed over a few thousands in cash and got my OFFICIAL receipt.
Came back home and sky was getting dark. Power kept going out and coming back on repeatedly. Power back on. YAY. Decided I was having a crappy day and wanted fast food. Went to KFC - power is out on that side of town. Went to McD's - huge ass line that I was not gonna get in. Tried BK, no power, no dice. Came back home defeated. I saw that DOMINO'S was delivering. YAY. Ordered ONLINE cause it's so much easier that way. About 30 mins later - PIZZA. Hooray for laziness and pizza. Kids ate, I ate, DH and BIL got home from work and they ate and we still have pizza to eat for breakfast. DH has a 3-day weekend and I look forward to having the kids bug him instead of me. Will bug DH repeatedly today to see if he's heard from the bank as to when we can close.
Will be back with pictures of our soon-to-be *new* house.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
I think I'm sick...
Woke up with a sore boob. OUCH. Have managed to get the kids fed and the house semi-orderly. Feel soooo tired/sore. Everything hurts. I wish I could take a damn nap.
I got stuck getting hazard insurance quotes for our *new* house (among other things). Anyway, it ended up being SUPER CHEAP. Like $373 yearly premium, which is a little over $30 a month. Hooray for me. I get us good deals on almost everything. We're hoping to close sometime next week. Just in time for the kids birthdays! YAY.
OMG, the kids birthdays! Can't believe they are getting older... can't believe I'm getting OLD. Managed to pick a theme for each kid. Princess (OF COURSE) for Emily and Transformers for Junior. Coordinated it with pink/yellow and red/blue. Thinking of a birthday menu. DH suggested BBQ Pulled Chicken, Corn on the Cob, and my version of Baked Potatoes, with homemade bread.
Just a minute.... boobs refilling... kinda painful.
Boobs done.
WHERE WAS I? Oh food.. right. Menu might change depending on whether my parents make it out here or not. I'll ask mom to bring some fajitas. Fajitas are huge for us Texans... we eat them like every damn day. If fajitas, then I'll probably make rice, frijoles a la charra, potato salad and tortillas... FLOUR TORTILLAS. Gosh, all this food. Then we wonder why Mexicans are so damn fat and why we are more prone to diabetes. ANYWAY...
House - eh.
Me - eh. and ouch.
Kids - fed and content
Life - eh.
New house - yay.
Getting old - boo.
Emma has been throwing these DAMN FITS where she pretty much falls to the floor or leeches on to me. I let her thrash on the floor. She is doing it now. Wants the bottle o body wash to squirt all over the house. NOT HAPPENING. Gots to go.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Chingon - Malageña Salerosa
My girls have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. I love to sing this to them... I hope that in the future when they hear this song (or any version of it) they remember me.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Standing her ground.
I worried that her height would be cause for mocking or bullying. Today, she has proved me wrong and has assured me that I have no need for worrying. E2 is the third-born, with two older vindictive siblings that make life for her that much harder. It seems the cards have turned, and they are the ones coming along for the ride.
E1 was correcting her, and before she can finish her sentence E2 has grabbed a fistful of hair and tugged on it, evoking even more hollering from her older sister.
Yes, I'm a terrible mother for not correcting such behavior, but I rather she learn to stand her own ground than give in to bullying -- even if it's that of an older sister.
I'll now proceed to laugh hysterically and bask in my bad parenting. LOL
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Bored as heck...
Here's some funny ones (they're all funny but I like these)...
This is what Emily looks like when she watches one of DH's movies.
I should post this on the kids' first day of school - LOL
This one just cracks me up to no end. Kinda how I feel now doing this "diet" thing.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Today has been a mentally exhausting day.
We live in a stupid apartment complex with no place for the kids to play. I'm a paranoid mother thinking that everyone is out to steal my kids or harm them in some way, so I want them to play within my view. I allowed for them to ride their bikes on the sidewalk in front of our apartment. They rode for a while and then the two girls parked their bikes next to the window and came inside to play on the computer. I didn't see J come inside, maybe I was in the kitchen - I'm not sure. But when I didn't see his bike parked next to the others I figured he'd strayed behind the complex. I have specifically told him NOT to leave the front of the apartment, so I was gearing my mom-self to scold the little punk.
I walk outside with NO SHOES ON (I like being barefooted) and kinda rush around the complex trying to spot the kid. The concrete was freaking HOTT. With a double T. I didn't find him, so I panicked a little but came inside to put some shoes on and look for him on the other side. I went to the other side and didn't spot him either. At this point PANIC has set in full blast and my heart has stopped. I start walking back to the apartment when I spot his bike next to another apartment door. Being the paranoid mother that I am, I start SCREAMING out his name on top of my lungs - my throat still hurts - and banging on the door where his bike is. I'm so freaking hysterical I start banging on a couple of doors trying to see if my kid is in one of these places and ready to murder whoever lured him in. I'm running up and down the sidewalk screaming his name when a little voice of LOGIC told me to check inside the damn apartment.I came to the door and holler for him and he answers. He comes to the door and I've never been so happy to see the little punk. My heart starts working again and all these emotions surface and next thing I know I'm in tears. I tell the little punk to go get his bike from where he left it and plop myself down to recover.
One concerned neighbor asked what was going on and was about to go off looking for J when I FOUND him. Of course, I call DH to tell him of my HORRIFIC ordeal, and he only laughs. In retrospect, I did look like some kind of psycho by screaming and banging and running around like crazy. I feel bad for banging on people's doors like a maniac... I think I woke them up. Eeesh.
Kids want to ride their bikes again... I'm gonna go watch them like a hawk.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Because my kids are geniuses,
Emma: Genius in the making from Peace in the Storm on Vimeo.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Summer? Who needs summer?!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Even in the desert there are signs of life

Yep, spring... er, summer is here.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Tooth Fairy UPDATE and more...
Today I also had my post-partum appointment, and lemme tell you I was livid by the time I got out. I asked DH to take the morning off so I could go sans kids. He obliged and I even left EARLY to make sure that I would get out of there early as well. In my brain, this makes sense: get there on time, leave there on time. ANYWAY, my appointment was at 9 a.m. - I got there at about 8:30 a.m. I wasn't seen until a few minutes before 10. I left at 10:15. Almost TWO HOURS of my time - GONE. Every single time WITHOUT fail this happens to me. EVERY SINGLE TIME. I hate this stupid doctor's office and once I get my birth control, I'm not going back. I'll go to the same family practitioner I take the kids to. STUPID PEOPLE - AAAARRRRGGGHHH! To top it off the doctor always seems to treat me like I'm an IDIOT. I know I'm young, I know I'm Mexican and I know I have a bunch of kids - but this does not give you the right to categorize me or label me as that of a stupid knocked-up statistic. I am a smart, educated woman that is not the least bit TRADITIONAL in how she runs her life. Saying, "Wow, you really did some research." in a condescending tone is very infuriating and only confirms that you think I'm stupid.
Okay, once those two hours of my life were WASTED. We all headed to J's school to catch his "performance." We got there in time, although with our monster stroller we had to stand in the back. I was able to sneak to the front and record a video of him singing - until this insanely tall girl blocked my view of him. Hmmphh. We also ate lunch together (cafeteria food - some was good some was BAD) and then off he went to play with his friends, DH went back to work, and the girls and I headed home.
I leave you with a video of my firstborn...
May 16, 2008 - 1st Grade Concert from Peace in the Storm on Vimeo.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
HOW TO: Spanish Rice

Add 1/3 CUP of tomato sauce. Stir and coat rice evenly.

Add 1/2 TSP of Garlic Powder

Add 2 TBS of Chicken Bouillon. Stir to distribute spices evenly.
Bring to a boil and then bring to a low heat. Cover and let simmer until all the liquid is absorbed or about 20 minutes. If you use a clear lid, it's easier to tell when all the liquid is gone. Let stand for 5 minutes after you've turned off the heat.